- Reviews -
A review would entail you sending me a product from your store to try out for myself. Products sent will not be returned as they need to actually be used and tested in order to form an opinion on the product. After I have had a chance to receive the product and try it out I would then post a blog post about my experience with the product. I reserve the right to not review products sent to me that I did not like! I only share products that are a great fit for my readers!

- Giveaways -
A giveaway would include the review above but also would feature an additional product that the followers and readers of my website would have the opportunity to win! Any prize(s) would need to be shipped by the sponsor and all shipping and handling charges would have to be covered as included in the giveaway offering. Giveaways generate a lot more exposure and excitement towards the products as the reader feels they too may get to try your wonderful product. It also generates a lot of traffic to your site as the mandatory entry to win the product often will involve visiting the site. Giveaways will run from 2-3 weeks, depending on start date. Please allow 4-6 weeks to write up a review/giveaway from the time I receive the product. This will allow me to spend time actually use and experience the product on more than one occasion before posting.
If you would like to feature ONLY a giveaway where I do not receive a product to try then there will be a fee to cover the time involved in posting, moderating entries, and hosting the giveaway.